Thank you all for your support the past few months as Marc's dad was sick and after he passed away. We are getting back into the swing of things, it is just taking a while. Caeden all the while has been great for keeping up everyone's spirtits!
He is now walking (almost running!) He never took a "first step" he took his first stroll across the room! This happened while we were writing Paul's obituary so Caeden must have sensed that we needed a pick-me-up. Now he is everywhere and into everything! He loves to climb the stairs, climb into the dishwasher, open the oven, and sweep the floor. His next project is opening the fridge, he isn't quite there yet, but it's only a matter of time! His words so far are "Daddy" (translation: the cat, Grandma, Grandpa, favorite toy and occasionally real Daddy) "Awawaday" (We have no idea what it means but he says it constantly all day!His language is above ours obviously) and "Hi!" Above all he loves to DANCE! talk about cute!